Trees of Bristol   Trees   Sites   Species   Help

Types of Site

Group Category # of sites
All sites 5440
All green space 923
All Green Spaces Computed All Green spaces
Allotments 123
Amenity Area 115
Cemetery 15
Churchyard 13
Farm 5
Garden 26
Golf Course 2
Grazing Land 2
Green Space 20
Nature Reserve 28
Open Space 324
Orchard 11
Park 112
Path 24
Play Area 58
Smallholding 5
Square 15
Tiny Forest 2 Planted by Earthwatch UK with funding f
Wood 23
All built 1815
Building 24
CPG 24
Car Park 12
Development 78
Residence 225
School 157
Street 1298
Unused 0
All Administrative 512
Area Committee 6 Ward group for allocation of CIL monies
Byelaw 13 280 Parks and Byelaws covered by Byelaw 13 i
Conservation Area 33 Conservation Area
Constituency 4 Westminster Constituency
Council 1 Council area
Dogs run free 8 Areas where dogs are allowed off leads
Green_Belt 8 Bristol Green Belt 2017-18
Locality 1 Locally significant area such as a Paris
Neighbourhood_plan 7 Neighbourhood Planning Area
Park Byelaws 353 Parks and Green spaces covered by Byelaw
Postcode district 16 A postcode district which includes Brist
S106 47 Sites for which S106 money is available
Unknown 0
Ward 34 Ward boundaries
All Various 12
Best Park 2017 9 Vote now on your favourite green space
Green Flag Award 1 Awards made annually by the Green Flag A
Nursery 2 Plant nursery
All planting space 107
Hedge 3 Hedge planted by OTPC
OTPC 96 Bristol's One Tree Per Child programme
UTCF Planting site 11 Urban Tree Challenge Fund planting area
UTCF Site 0 Sites chosen for Urban Tree Challenge Fu
Wood Pasture 6 Wood pasture areas planted by OTPC
Woodland 8 Woodland areas planted by OTPC
All Planning 1638
Brownfield 248 Sites on the BCC Brownfield register
DEP-2010 41 Green spaces disposal in 2010
IOS 520 Important Open Spaces (IOS) as defined i
All BTF : Planning 51
brownfield 51 Sites which can be classified as brownfi
All Local Plan 2019 154
LP19 Deleted Site 19 Sites which were missing from the LP19 d
LP19 Green Belt 22 Green belt Sites on the LP19 plans
LP19-LGS 1 Local Plan 2019 - Local Green Space
LP19-NPA 88 Local Plan 2019 - Neighbourhood Partners
LP19-ROS 31 Local Plan 2019 - Reserved Open Space
LP19-Unlisted Computed Bristol Green spaces not included in LP1
All Local Plan 2025 676
IOS in LP25 Computed Important Open Spaces (IOS) included (in
IOS not LP25 Computed Important Open Spaces (IOS) not included
LP25 sites covered by IOS sites Computed LGs/ROGS sites not included in Important
LP25-Dev 96 Proposed Local Plan 2025 sites. Included
LP25-LGS 174 Local Green Spaces in the Local Plan 202
LP25-ROGS 406 Reserved Open Green Spaces in the Local
LP25 Computed LGS and ROGS in the Local Plan 2025
NDP 0 Neighbourhood Development P
All Parks and Green Space 416
Allotments in LP25 NDA Computed Allotments included in LP25
Allotments in LP25 Computed Allotments included in LP25
PGSS in LP25 Computed PGSS sites included in LP25
PGSS in NDA Computed PGSS sites now in Neighbourhood Developm
PGSS not LP25 Computed PGSS sites not included in LP25
PGSS 416 From the dataset on Bristol Open Data
All Bristol surrounds 3
NT-Park 3 National Trust Parks near Bristol